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Goya. "El aquelarre" (fragment)

Goya. “El aquelarre” (fragment)

Be killed from behind is not funny. Then they fill their mouth up talking about respect, human rights and that shit. That was what I told to my lieutenant when we buried two officers and a policeman fallen in service. We are in a crap of country, I told him, the pay of Chile, I told him, we work our ass off for cleaning the marxist plague so that we come to be treated worse than shit for everyone. Let’s see if they are so brave when the red ones to starve them, and throw into the cage to every dissident, and by chance to the amount of fags that teem in this country. Because they are legion, because you have to be a damn fag to kill someone from behind and then burst out, because we never did it like that. Did we put the cattle prods and the electricity to the fuckers from behind? No. We look at right into their face while we spitted and kicked it, as it should be. The blindfold was with the purpose of confuse them a bit, so they couldn’t snitch in courts and all that shit. But the day of the holy crap they are going to be taken seriously in any court, that’s why the fuckers go here and there peppering the back, like some fags. No, worse than fags, because if a fag pepper the back, you pepper back or cut his dick off, and that’s it.
Now, the only thing missing is that the fuckers look like heroes and we end put against the wall, starting to be chased with all that crap about crimes against humanity, o whatever they call that shit. So now is a crime defend the nation to death against a stack of ungrateful traitors. But my general set already the record straight, and poor of that one who thinks be bolder than those who wear uniforms in this country; he will have to queuing waiting for, that if he just doesn’t end in a dark hole in the back of beyond, without a single person knowing about what fucking happened to him. Did they want to be revolutionaries, the mother fuckers? Wait and see. We go and clean out another stack of them, and another, and another, till we don’t let a single one alive, till nobody remember them anymore, till this country learn that bunch of red ones are just a herd of anarchists that know only about protesting for every single shit, and even killing if they don’t find another way. Till is learn that all what was done is done, and that if they are stone dead and missing is because some fucking thing they did to earn it, the big fag ones. Killing from behind, the fucking anarchists, what a nice. What human rights or justice are you talking about? Suck it.